My heart goes out to all the people who have lost their home or have in some way been displaced because of the terrible fires in Pacific Palisades and the Altadena and Pasadena areas of Los Angeles, California. I will say a prayer for them all, and remind everyone who has lost anything, as painful as it may be for you, the way to sooth some of that pain is to reach out to others and try to ease some of their pain and loss. God Bless!
'My passion to share what I have learned is connected to my desire to give what I have. This is a very short trip and what makes it rich for me is sharing and loving, and above all telling the truth. I always tell people when you give just give because it feels good not because it’s going to necessarily lead to a specific reward. The most powerful rewards I have gotten in my life were when I was not looking to receive any reward. A stranger’s smile when you extend yourself feels warm. I must admit I have been deeply moved and touched in my life by the kindness of strangers often when I have least expected it.' (The Road Most Traveled, My Journey with People of the Lie. Preface, pages 4-5).
